Friday, November 5, 2010

Korean Box Office Ranking!

rank first : an Unfair

It is a crime movie made by Ryu Seunghwan.
And also, there are three famous actors in it. One is Ryu Seungbum who is a the director's brother, he plays a prosecutor, Hwang Jungmin is a policeman and Yu Hejin is a gangster. The movie is about looking for the criminal of the consecutive murder incidents. Policemen try to find the criminal but they have hard time. So they make up the fake criminal. I saw this movie last week. It describes our reality.

rank second: Legend of The Guardians

It is made by Jack Sniper who made a movie named '300'.
The movie is about the world of upper sky.
There are two teams, one is malicious pure-bleeds who want to control the kingdom, another is Guardians who try to protect the owl world from pure bleeds. They fight a bloody fight.

rank third: FM of Night
It is a thriller, crime movie.
Su-e is a main character who hosts night FM DJ for five years but she stops the radio because of her daughter's serious illness. Suddenly, she gets a phone call to threaten. The calling man is Yu Jitae, another main character threaten to kill her family if she can't carry out missions that he gives during the live broadcast. I saw the movie,too. It is my favorite movie among now showing.
I recommend it!


  1. oh wow, your post looks so nice and easy to read :) I haven't seen any of those movies but I'd like to watch FM of Night the most :)
    I wanna know what Yu jitae's missons are!! -Jiwon Ahn :D

  2. I saw the FM of night! It was great even I dislike that kinds of movies. And I'm expecting the movie what made by Ryu Seunghwan. I like his thinking and motto. I hope I can feel that in his movie. -by A Ryeon

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh, I've never seen those three movies. but I plan to see an unfair on next Wednesday.You are very nice! Becuse those movies are new ~! I envy you haha :-) thank you for your tip of movies~ I want to see all of the movies~! - JinWoo Na

  5. wow~~ I want to watch those three movies especially an unfair~ I heard that it’s not expected but a successful movie~! I have a plan to go to theater on wed. You show three of them which one is the best do you think? You recommended the last third one but ranking one is an Unfair if I just can see one movie which one should be better??

  6. Although I have not seen any of those movies, thants to your post, I have a plan with my friends to go to the theater in order to watch among of the movies you mentioned.Especially, I want to watch an Unfair. Maybe, this movie's story is very exciting.I think the genre of the movie is quite unique. ^.^ FM of Niehg you recommended is also great movie. Su-e is one of the most popular movie star. wow! anyway,I am very expected to watch all of the movies you mentioned. Thank you ^^-
    posted by jiye-Koo

  7. Has anyone seen "The Guardians"? I am wondering if it would be OK to take my daughter to see this weekend.

  8. from several months, I haven't seen the movies because of the pretext of being busy. but, I really am not. kikk TT This time, I will watch the movie which be recommended you. Especially, I want to watch 'an unfair'. Thank you for your recommend

  9. This is actually the kind of information I have been trying to find. Thank you for writing this information. 線上看
